Mittwoch, 8. Februar 2012

New lashes: WHO'S "DOLLY"

Yesterday my new lashes arrived!

I bought dolly wink no. 1 and who's "Dolly". I wantred to try the ones from who's because they look just like the dolly winks, but they cost the same but there are 5 pairs in the box!

Here they are:

You can see they look almost the same.

And here is a photo of my eye, waering the who's lashes:

They are very comfortable and easy to put on!
They are a little more unnatural looking than dolly wink no.1, but I like them!

Here are more photos of me:

And one with my lovely arpakasso plushie:

My hair is so short now. I have no idea how to style it...

Bye bye!

2 Kommentare:

  1. looks good :)
    i like the lashes. you should try BRIGITTE lashes haha.
    deine haare sind ja echt kurz gewordn. was ist passiert?

  2. Die von Brigitte hab ich mir noch gar nicht angeguckt, aber mit denen hier bin ich erstmal zufrieden. ♡
    Wenn ich beim Frisör sage "Spitzen schneiden" dann meinen die immer mehr abschneiden zu müssen, weil meine Haare angeblich so unglaublich kaputt sind. ( ̄□ ̄#) Was die letztes mal selber angerichtet haben mit ihrer Farbe. Und so werden meine Haare von mal zu mal kürzer. ;_;
