Samstag, 4. August 2012

Tag - 8 things about... future

I was tagged by the lovely blog owner from to write 8 things about a topic she chose. The topic is future, so here we go!

1. In the future I want to have a big, beautiful and comfortable flat.
2. I want to have two or three children! At least one girl and one boy haha~
3. In the future I want to learn Mandarin and Korean.
4. I want to visit South Korea with my husband.
5. I hope in the future I will be able to earn enough money to not have any financial problems.
6. I'll probably get a driver's license and get a nice car.
7. I want to work hard to lose weight and be skinnier someday! >_<
8. I hope my friends and family will stay healthy.

That's it!
Feel tagged if you'd like to do this! My topic for you is FOOD!

Freitag, 3. August 2012

How to deal with Chinese parents in law 1 - The first impression

Hi everyone, long time no see!
I've been pretty busy these days because my parents-in-law are currently in Germany. We've been traveling around a lot and I think I'm gonna blog about that later, too.

But now there is something else I would like to write about:

Dealing with Chinese parents-in-law!

This blog is mostly about my personal life, and since I have a Chinese husband, it might be interesting or even helpful for others to read about my experiences.

As I said, my parents-in-law are currently visiting. I get along with them quite well now, but that wasn't always the case.

When I first met my mother in law, I was 18 I think. I had no idea how to behave. For the first meeting I suggest you to wear normal, pretty clothes, although this is not too important. You can just dress the way you feel most comfortable. The clothes I was wearing were a little childish, so it made me feel kinda embarrassed when I met my mother in law. So, wear something that makes you confident! Nothing slutty tho.

There isn't much you can do wrong i guess. Smile, say how happy you are to meet them. If you are visiting them in China, show that you are very happy to be there and to finally meet them. If they are coming to visit you, tell them you are glad they are visiting you, that you want to show them around. If you're picking them up from the airport, maybe insist on carrying the mother in law's luggage because they have a long journey behind them and they are probably tired!
Little presents are always good! You can give them something that is typical for your country/hometown, like chocolate or wine or a little souvenir.

Be the kindest version of yourself - you want the parents in law to like you, right? Don't be afraid of communication, don't be shy. The more active and open-minded you are, the more likely you will get along!

I think this is already the most important advice for meeting the Chinese parents in law for the very first time. I will think about other , more difficult situations to handle and blog about them, but I'd also like to hear if you have questions or things that you want me to explain. I also think these pieces of advice don't only apply for Chinese parents in law, but for Asian in laws in general! So let me know what you'd like to know!

Freitag, 6. Juli 2012

My parents in law will be here in only one week! So excited!

It's currently very hot in Germany. I don't feel like doing anything because the heat is killing me. ε=( ̄。 ̄;)

Yesterday we got up early and drove our roommate Yi to Berlin airport because she'll be in China for one month. At the airport we took a rest at Starbucks, which was my first time being there! I had the Cococnut chocolate cream frappuccino:

The cake was Yi's by the way haha.

I think the price was 4,30 Euro but it was really yummy and I think 500ml! So it's rather expensive, but you get quiete a lot for that price, too!

After Yi got on her plane, we went to an Asia supermarket before driving back home, because they have things that we can't buy in our town., for example different kinds of 饺子 (dumplings). We bought 3 bags of them, 2 of them were with spinach, they are one of my favourites! (●⌒∇⌒●) And we ate them as soon as we arrived home haha. I also bought taro mochi for my best friend because she loves taro bubble tea and I thought she would be happy if I buy them for her. ♪ 

These things were also very cute:

Hello Kitty marshmallows! Love candy with cute packaging!

Mini mochi! I've never seen them before, they are like reaaaaally tiny. I wonder if they really have a filling? They were available in different flavours, like lychee, mango and blueberry. Next time I shall try them! (○゚ε^○)

So that's how my day was! And now I'm getting ready to go out with my friends. 

See you~~(*^ワ^*)

Freitag, 29. Juni 2012

Hello everyone! ^^

I'm very happy today because...

I passed all my exams!!!

It was hard for me, but now it's over. Finally I don't have to study anymore!
I'm meeting my best friend today and we'll go to city, drinking bubble tea and enjoying the summer weather. <3

And today I made some gifs of my 2 guinea pigs. ^_^ It's super fun to make gifs of them! Maybe I should use gifs more often in my blog?

Well, enjoy the cuteness and bye bye. <33

Sonntag, 24. Juni 2012


On Friday my friends and me watched the football game Germany vs. Greek in a bar, it was really fun!
This is how I looked that day:

And this is my best friend and me (in terrible lighting kk):

It was such a great and exciting game!! And we were so happy that Germany won! ^^
And here is finally a photo of our new car:

I like the color veeeery much! <3

Ok, this is it for today, because I need to study! >_<

Donnerstag, 21. Juni 2012

Anger and love

I think I've never hated someone like this in my whole life so far.I'm shivering and my chest is almost exploding from my heartbeat...

How can someone be so cruel, trying to mess up other people's friendship because they can't face their own mistakes? She doesn't even see what she's done wrong. Now she's spamming my best friend with messages telling her I'm backstabbing, lying and a bad friend. But this wasn't even about me, it was about her. But not one time she mentioned that she really made mistakes, not once did she apologize (not that this would make a difference to me now), thinking she is the victim.

I can't say how happy I am that my best friend is by my side. She truly is one of the best things that ever happened in my life. Without her I wouldn't even know Xin. She has always been there for me, even in times when we were angry about each other.
And each hard time we went through together, let us become a little closer. And now I think our friendship has reached a point where we don't have to be afraid of telling each other everything, no, we can trust each other blindly. It doesn't matter when I move to another city this year - she always will be my best friend! Nothing will ever be between us again!
I am very thankful for that.

And I will do my best to be a better friend, too.

P.S: My oral exam wasn't today, it'll be next Tuesday! Phew!

Mittwoch, 20. Juni 2012

2 photos of me and personal stuff

Today we picked up our new car and on Friday we can finally drive it kk. So excited!
Cannot take photos tho because it has been raining all day. :/

Today I had to study because tomorrow is supposed to be my first oral exam. They officially start next week but mine should be tomorrow. Problem: They said "Just look on our website, the exact date will be there!" but I looked and it doesn't say anything about my exam!
I will go to school tomorrow and ask when it is, but I actually hope it will be next week haha. We'll see. >_<

Yesterday I already blogged about someone who is seriously annoying me at the moment and today I'm even angrier. Turns out this person talked behind the backs of my my friend. I already supposed this would happen, but I'm still very angry. Especially after saying "I would NEVER talk shit about my friends!"
I lol'ed.

Anyway~ Here are two new photos of me if you haven't seen them already. :)

The second photo looks veeeeery edited because of the crazy filter, haha but I like the effect! :D

I try to look more ulzzang-ish at the moment, because it's more natural.
I don't know how ulzzang a white girl can look, but I try my best. >_<
And even if it's not exactly ulzzang-looking I like this look very much for myself! ^^

Well... I'm gonna call my best friend and continue studying, see you! <3