Mittwoch, 20. Juni 2012

2 photos of me and personal stuff

Today we picked up our new car and on Friday we can finally drive it kk. So excited!
Cannot take photos tho because it has been raining all day. :/

Today I had to study because tomorrow is supposed to be my first oral exam. They officially start next week but mine should be tomorrow. Problem: They said "Just look on our website, the exact date will be there!" but I looked and it doesn't say anything about my exam!
I will go to school tomorrow and ask when it is, but I actually hope it will be next week haha. We'll see. >_<

Yesterday I already blogged about someone who is seriously annoying me at the moment and today I'm even angrier. Turns out this person talked behind the backs of my my friend. I already supposed this would happen, but I'm still very angry. Especially after saying "I would NEVER talk shit about my friends!"
I lol'ed.

Anyway~ Here are two new photos of me if you haven't seen them already. :)

The second photo looks veeeeery edited because of the crazy filter, haha but I like the effect! :D

I try to look more ulzzang-ish at the moment, because it's more natural.
I don't know how ulzzang a white girl can look, but I try my best. >_<
And even if it's not exactly ulzzang-looking I like this look very much for myself! ^^

Well... I'm gonna call my best friend and continue studying, see you! <3

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